C. · 21 answers · 6mo

Can you even truly forgive someone who has hurt you?

Yes.. but that depends. Contrary to what people believe, I don't hold grudges. But I'm not letting myself getting stepped on this year, so I don't hesitate to cut someone off. Especially when they no longer serve me.

i Actually didnt even care with them sih i meann i can easily lupain semua cz aku kayanya tipe orang yang bodoamatnya udh diluar nalar

Uh, no... not really :/ I mean, I can forgive them but I can't forget what they've done or said to me...

Mungkin. Kadang, kalau dia minta maaf dan aku masih nyimpan dendam, aku bilang aku gak maafin sih....

Actually, it depends how bad it hurt me and are they really regret it or no. But, i think it's easy for me to forgive someone even though not 100%

Not at all. I might forgive them but I will never ever forget the pain that they left.

it depens, if they look regret then i'll forgive them. but if they look like they're just apologizing then i'm not willing to forgive them and then i'll avoid interacting with them.

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