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Crow · 3 answers · 6mo

i found an "ask your followers" button and want to see it in action. give me your most obscure random headcanon (any type) for your favorite character 3 2 1 go

i dont have many obscure random headcanons but this one just came into existence today through talking with ade about roland baking sweets and pastries for angela to try: angela sweet tooth ... she has never had sweets ever and its still all so new to her!! i think she deserves to eat sweet foods after spending so much time being unable to not only eat but also with what she went through. no matter what, without fail, i will always claim that angela deserves to try so many things because of what she went through. i feel like angela would probably grow out of her sweet tooth with time cause for some reason i see her liking pastries but not Overly Sweet ones but for the first few times she has sweet food she is absolutely enamored with just decadently sweet treats, i think :)

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