Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Crow · 3 answers · 6mo

i found an "ask your followers" button and want to see it in action. give me your most obscure random headcanon (any type) for your favorite character 3 2 1 go

OKAY. So. Idk if it counts as obscure but it is random? Rodya hates gacha games. She would never play a gacha game. She looks at people who have gacha addictions and she's like Tch. Hit the casinos and gamble like a REAL addict. (I'm stealing a joke here. one of my friends said this but I DON'T remember which I think it may have been Vogel:) Don Quixote shows Rodya her fixer gacha and asks Rodya if she wants to do a ten pull for her and Rodya looks at Don like Don just picked up a piece of roadkill and dangled it in her face

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