Eizou · 41 answers · 1y

Can i ask my dear mutuals here for valentine gift ideas? A doll of cinnamon but need to wait probably for 1-2 weeks. Or a lego flower with some chocolates? Or you can give me any ideas that you have. Thank you.

Lego flower with Chocolate sounds pretty for me! or maybe with some cute video? abt your relationship and how you love your lover

Lego flower with some chocolates! I bet it's a perfect gift for a loved one and not hard enough to find it but still cute and special.

a lego flower is an interesting one. i can't think of any idea since i don't really celebrate valentine

a lego flower with some chocos! apalagi kalo kamu ngerangkai legonya sendiri, your significant other will surely be on cloud nine by looking at the effort you put into it.

The second one! Soalnya kalau boneka berarti sampainya kemungkinan pas Valentinenya sudah lewat.

Since im not a fan of choco nor lego. I'd choose cinnamon doll. But anything is fine ig since the most important is the feeling you put while handing the present. Or anything your lover cherishes. But long lasting gift might be the best.

i’m not a fan of chocolates so my gift to go will be a doll of cinnamon for your cherished one to cuddle with. anything is fine as long as it’s long-lasting and leave an impression you wish to portray. perfume, books, bodycare, keychain ... you can also give them something they love. i hope it will be smooth-sailing!

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