친애하는, claire. · 11 answers · 25d

⋆ ౨ৎ pals, do you have any coping mechanisms when you're feeling down or stressed out? i used to cut my hair as a way to de-stress, but i've stopped doing that now! ^_^ what's your go-to strategy to get through tough times?

Me too! Drink coffee, me time, atau liat yang ijo-ijo. Aku suka banget naik ke bukit atau gunung buat lihat alam dan juga city lights.

Ah, I usually keep myself busy by reading books and learning new dance choreography to distract myself.

I typically go out on my motorbike at night to catch some fresh air, and sometimes I swing by to pick up something sweet to boost my mood.

mostly just isolating myself in my room n taking naps, eating unhealthy food, watch sum movies or play video games

if im around my bf n im feeling down, id usually end up crying to him which in all honestly is kinda embarrassing 😭😭 ik he wouldnt judge me but yk, im just super ashamed for feeling my emotions 😭😭

Glad to hear that you found a new way to feel better. Same as you, I do have a couple of way to feel better. I like reading book because it help me relax and escape into a good story. I also enjoy playing guitar because it's a fun way to unwind and distract myself

I sometimes catch myself pulling out my hair, leaving a little bald spot :( But I'm working on finding healthier(?) coping mechanisms now!!

Hi, Claire. I usually watch horror movies as my coping mechanism when I feel down. That really works for me.

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