Mourine A.

Daily mood; love someone who will never love me.

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Danish K. Gabriel · 3mo

Backpack or slingbag? And why?

Bergantung barang bawaannya, sih, tapi katanya lebih baik pakai backpack karena seimbang. Kalau pakai slingbag takutnya kena permasalahan tulang :(

𖹭 · 42 answers · 4mo

kalau kamu lagi merasa badmood, kira-kira kamu berharap teman kamu menghibur dengan cara apa?

Kalau aku lebih memilih menyendiri untuk beberapa saat, sih karena misal bareng temen justru berisiko emosiku kuluapkan ke dia.

H. · 8 answers · 5mo

Guys, can you recommend me a sad song?

“Jiwa yang Bersedih” by Ghea Indrawari and “Kamu dan Kenangan” by Maudy Ayunda. I always crying when I listen it.

Amaryllis · 5 answers · 5mo

Hi, can you send me your favorite song? Literary bored with my current playlist and want to hear another songs. Thanks before 💋

You can try listening to Pijaraya by Soegi Bornean, Hindia's songs, and Hivi's songs.

Zed · 5mo

Hi, I got your retro from base, mind to exchange follow wimme and be moots on retro? Thanks in advance.

Marco D Salvatore. · 12 answers · 5mo

Guys, can you recommend me a song to play on my guitar? It's electric, if it helps. Thanks in advance!

Nasa. · 5mo

Hello, Mourine. May I request a followback? Also, mind to tell me about what’s your favorite book and why?

Hi, Nasa! Maaf karena aku responnya lambat, ya. I've following you, ya. I think I don't have favorite book, but I'll recommend local novel entitled “Sang Mucikari” by V. Lestari. Dari buku itu aku belajar mengenai sisi lain dari kehidupan sang germo dan anak asuhnya. Hope you like it <33

jessie :3 · 4 answers · 5mo

how do you deal with your failures?

It's normal to be sad, then I'll read any literature or watching funny moments of my idol. It will make me feel better; meskipun di hari selanjutnya akan sedih lagi, tapi aku akan mengulangi hal serupa.

Ceinesa Bainey · 26 answers · 5mo

mmhmm how do you forget someone who deserves to be forgotten, guys?

It's little bit hard, deh. But, I just thinking about their mistakes; then I hate them ....

It isn't a good choice. Better if you are looking for new hobbies and you'll be happier. Semangat!

♥️ · 5mo

i got your retro from base! so, can you shoot me a follow back? :3

Emmeline. · 29 answers · 5mo

kalian punya gak song(s) yang udah diputer ribuan kali juga tetep gak bosen-bosen? like the songs still feel the same as the first time you listen to it?

If it's not KPop songs, it could be Pijaraya by Soegi Bornean, Cincin by Hindia, HIVI!'s songs, and Jiwa yang Bersedih by Ghea Indrawari.

ash · 16 answers · 5mo

Dari 1-100 coba rate seberapa suka kalian sama keju??

76% mungkin(?). Aku suka keju kalau ada dalam makanan manis, misal kue, roti, dll. gitu.

ash · 9 answers · 5mo

kalau ada waktu luang bagusnya ngisinya dengan ngapain aja yah? (di rumah)

· 11 answers · 5mo

what do you usually do to make you happy when you feel sad?

Read Wattpad story/book/manhwa, watchinv funny moments of my idol, or just play a game.

ash · 9 answers · 5mo

i got a highest score! ada saran ga jajan apa buat reward? (selain

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