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࿓ ⨳ PAL / Kobo  🌻 · 24 answers · 2mo

How many Languages can you speak?

english & armenian fluently (i’m lying i’m still taking classes for it) & umm conversational indonesian :3… I tried to learn mandarin for a few years but I can barely hold a conversation

2! Or 3, technically. I can speak english (duh), Bosnian, and Croatian! Im still a bit rusty but I’m getting there chat

english, polish to some extent. learning hindi and russian, but severely focused on Spanish right now !!!

5 me thinks.. English, Bisaya, German ( I am learning! ), Italian and a little bit of Tagalog ..

The fucck yall trilingual fivelingual 1millionlinguals coming from I only know two and one is barely staying in my head even if it's my birth language bruh 😭😭😭

Anyways I know English and latvian😇 learning russian to an extent but more focusing on German cause that one didn't give me an aneurysm when it was announced I was forced to study it😝

Mainly shanghainese and english, a bit of mandarin. Learning french planning to start german soon too (n_n)

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