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Mythra · 6 answers · 9mo

If you had a total budget of £150, what laptop would you buy

That's about 300 AUD so probably a used Haswell to Skylake Latitude, maybe one of the '14" screen in 13" frame' ones

That's a hard one... the first two things I thought of were the Pinebook and the Pi-top, but both seem to have been discontinued and the latter was out of budget anyway.

I guess I'd go on eBay, get something used for around $50-100, slap Debian LXDE, Q4OS Trinity, or AntiX on it, and see what I could do in terms of repairs and upgrades for the rest of the budget. I'd be interested in a ThinkPad that supports libreboot, or something from the netbook era like an Asus EeePC, but if I needed to use it as my main laptop I'd probably try to find something from the Windows 8 era instead.

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