· 12 answers · 1y

would you ever join a mission to colonize another planet if it meant never returning to earth?

I wouldn't. . . Just because i'm tired of people doesnt mean i wanna stay on another planet.

Nope. Mayoritas bilang kalau pengen tinggal di planet mars, tapi menurut gue itu gak mungkin banget. Banyak minusnya daripada plusnya. Bumi tuh emang planet paling cocok buat ditempatin makhluk hidup deh.

You mean like Interstellar? That'd interesting but the thing is, big things like space, time, and galaxy scares me to death so I better survive my best on the planet for now I think..

I would, talking about my ambitiousness, it would be fun for me, but have you thinking What weapons should I use

nooo!! im scared and im comfortable on earth, so im not going to leave this planet even though the mission is so quite interesting ^_^

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