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River · 23d

Have you ever put a person on a song? What's the song and why?

This year has too much Autumn—and it's an unhinged escapism, had too much reason to explain which I supposed to not to elucidate, due to one or two reason existed.

Akari · 6 answers · 1mo

Temen-temen boleh saranin movies yang seru? Movies yaa, jangan series. 🌷

Dear · 1mo

KAKAK SAYANF cantik sekal8 retronya... csntik kayak kakak... seperti kebun bunga, terus kakak kupu-kupunya!!!


· 2mo

thank you for being the wonderful kind person you are, Amara. 💗

AKU NANGIS NIH.. makasih sayang.. thank you for being the amazing person as well! 🤍🥺

Pierre. · 2mo

Gimana gereja lu itu?

Going well.. walaupun ngantuk kecil. (Diselipin doa lucu antara gue dan Tuhan yang kalo lo denger pasti lo ngamuk)

Kyrie · 2mo

what makes you happy lately byby? >_<

Dear · 2mo

hello there, hooman! i know im late but may the rest of this month will be full of good news for you. have a lovely day :D 💫💛

What a heartwarming words, dear! Thank you so much for the magnificent asks—wish the luckiness will always cherishes yours. 🤍

Dear · 2mo

whats your current relationship?

Dear · 2mo

I miss you.

Dear · 2mo

inkedlune and inkedseason is the same person?

Akari · 7 answers · 5mo

Kalian ada saran lagu jatuh cinta gitu nggak, sih? Untuk aku manifesting. 🤔

Seth. · 22 answers · 5mo

What flower do you associate yourself with?

Dear · 5mo

Malam, Amara! Sudah tidur ya? Aku lagi makan seblak. Memang, kalau makan suka random hournya. Seblaknya asin sekali, tapi nggak papa. Tetap enak! Hmm.. First of all, aku dengar kamu menunggu aku? Terima kasih! Aku senang kehadiranku dinantikan, terutama sama Amara. Hehe. Kamu sedang galau ya? Semoga kegundahan hatimu cepat terselesaikan! Juga, kamu sedang membaca Laut Bercerita? Tentang apa itu? Oh, sisa karakter sudah mau habis. Selamat malam, Amara. Semoga kukumu lekas tumbuh.

Pagi sender! Maaf baru dijawab sekarang, sebenarnya aku udah liat dari tadi malam tapi tremor dikit, hehe. Seblaknya tadi malam bikin kenyang nggak? I hope it bless your night with happiness! Kalau pagi ini sarapan apa? Semoga nggak keasinan yaa. Puji Tuhan, udah nggak galau lagi kok, tapi terima kasih banyak, ya? Oh iya, bukunya tentang peristiwa 1998. Kalau suka fiksi sejarah, coba baca deh! And you can reviewed it to me later. Terima kasih doanya sender, dan selamat pagi. Have a greaaaat day ahead! 🤍

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