maya · 5 answers · 8mo

outside of txt, which ship/group do u think u might be interested in writing about someday?

either ryujin+yeji or chaewon+yunjin ! but i dont know them well like txt to write for now but i like their vibes from clips i watched

Aside from zb1 which i already wrote for, probs svt… the only other group i really follow! but it’s sooo overwhelming to even think about writing them, i don’t have a grasp on their dynamics enough hahahaha

Hmmm this is kinda hard but maybe enhypen? I’d like to do a gg in the future like le serrafim tho too 🥲

hm... xtx wise i plan on writing soobtyunning or sookai. i also really want to write more sgyu or beomkai!!

foe other groups- one day i might write wonliz or annyeongz, i really like their dynamic! also unrelated but i would one day write for some of the animanga fandoms i'm in but not anytime soon

IVE! I really like their music and I think the girls and their bonds are so cute, but I don't know them very well so I just use them as cameos in my fanfics lol

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