
I like å¾‹ćƒ¢ćƒ– and bugs šŸ› (18+)

Seasoning City
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Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 1mo

Hellooo, I'm curious, why "teeth"?

I like the username ā€œteethā€ because itā€™s a little weird, a little ominous, a little silly.. but also because I enjoy oral fixation fhdjsj

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 1mo

What colour do you picture when you think of your own fanworks' vibe? mysteriously vague answers supported and encouraged

This is such an interesting question!! My favorite color is often blue, but I donā€™t want to choose it just for that,, I mostly think of my works in shades of black and white for ā€œvibesā€ but for an overall color maybe a dark, saturated grapefruit?? Something that can be cute and fun or alternatively bright and threatening?? Iā€™ll have to think about this more later :0

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

Is there some official art/au for mobsai that you like the most?

I literally love all the official art,, so much,, I canā€™t pick favorites but Iā€™ll post some of the ones I look at very frequently on twt <3 in terms of AUs: I really like the popular ones like the mafia au, or age swapā€”but I also have a ton of other personal AUā€™s that are disgustingly detailed in my little head.. just obscure stuff really lmao

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

ritmob only or also mobrit?

Ritmob only :ā€™) sometimes thereā€™s thereā€™s a rare exception but for the most part I prefer bottom mob, especially with ritmob <3

Rune Ā· 7 answers Ā· 2mo

Happy Mob Birthday everyone!
What's something (anything!) in MP100/MRM fanworks you'd self-indulgently would love to see more of?

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

Do u have a crush on someone šŸ™ˆā˜ŗļø

mb Ā· 9 answers Ā· 2mo

iā€™m not sure what this ā€œask your followersā€ feature does, like is it just going to show up in everyoneā€™s inboxes? anyway whatā€™s a song/album/artist youā€™ve been super into recently

Iā€™ve been on a Gorillaz kick lately! Just re listening to their older albums and basking in the nostalgia c:

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

what are your thoughts about centipedes?

One of my favorite arthropods!! They can be a little intimidating because of their looks and venomous bite but I think theyā€™re so charming <3 they look elegant to me in a way, their segmented bodies.. house centipedes are known for creeping people out but if you ever find one you should definitely keep it around!! You have a little defender in your home who will hunt and eat all the pests that come your way c: I wish most centipedes were a little safer to handle so I could hold and tell them how much I love them (tbh a little bite wouldnā€™t stop me from handling one if the opportunity presented itself lmao)

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

what is your favorite type of bug

I answered a similar question (moths c:) so Iā€™ll take the time to talk about another beloved bugā€”weevils!! Theyā€™re so cute man.. their silly little snouts.. they can be considered pests sometimes because of their potential harm to crops but they can also be prolific pollinators and decent at being pest control themselves depending on the plant the species of weevil eat!! They come in a variety of colors and sizes as well as different snout shapes :) even if I find them in unwanted places (like a bag of rice) I still feel blessed to meet these little guys

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

what is ritsuā€™s freakiest/weirdest canon moment to you

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

I love your artstyle but the dolphin/Mob really hit for me. Thank you for the good fucking food

Alison Ā· 2mo

1) What's your favorite bug? šŸ›šŸŖ±šŸ¦‹šŸšŸŖ²šŸ•·ļø
2) There's something about the way you draw expressions that always gives me this just slightly creepy vibe that I love so much. I feel like it fits your Mob and Ritsu especially well imho šŸ«¶

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

What do you like most about Ritsu?

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

Bugs huh... What's ur fav bug...

Anony-mousešŸ Ā· 2mo

Can we know the backstory on how and why you started shipping ritmob?

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