Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 13 answers · 14d

QOTD — If you were a video game character ... What's your powers, weapons, & appearance? Be specific as possible & have fun!
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i almost answered “eijiro kirishima” from that one mha game but i discarded that thought. i REALLY wanna be luka strongarm from hsr (for obvious reasons), powers are being silly :3, weapons are my mecha arms, appearance a silly redhead!

Cool girl with a massive gun (or hammer) and always fashionable! If said game has to do with magic, Id be some sort of attack healer!

this is my kind of question!!!.

so, my powers would probably be body manipulation , telekinesis with a strong nightvision。I would have gloves that with a press of a button on a bracelet id have on, i can latch onto anything i want to, for my outfit id have on would be something like this, my hair would be a wolfcut-mullet like, with some shag and it would be brown, my weapon would defiantly be a pistol ( a basic Glock 19 Gen 5. ) and different kinds of knives ( butterfly knives and switchblades because i can wield those easiest ) sorry im a nerd

I'd be a glitch character, created by a buffer over-read on the table of characters, with an effectively random combination of other characters' powers and weapons, and a sprite that is a visualization of the game's code.

id probably just be the masc version of a demon hipster chick from scott pilgrim lmfao

It would depend on the type of game, though in general I think I'd have a scythe as a weapon. Or a regular knife, one of the two.

I think I'd be an evil vampire catgirl, my weapons would be machetes and spiked metal bats!

I have a LOT of ideas… I guess it also depends on the game itself , but in general it would be cool for me to pilot some sort of mecha , or as a weapon maybe something cool like a scythe or katana ! Appearance-wise I guess just me but cooler, some minor (or major) changes here and there but overall nothing too exciting… might go ahead and give myself hamster ears too

Double katanas although I think I would be a navigator. Probably long straight black hair in skatergirl-esk clothing which is probably more akin to futaba sakura + awesome headphones. Probably a pin in the hair to stop it from getting in my face.

would depend on the game honestly but if it was smth like hsr or genshin, then for me i'd use ice and a sword. m not so very creative :3

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