Daniel · 8 answers · 4y

What are the corona restrictions in your country right now?

large social gatherings are still not officially allowed (but ppl are still having them), social distancing is enforced where it can be (but if people can get away with it they will not social distance). nonessential businesses are open w social distancing guidelines in place and usually masks required.

however, every time I go to pick up food from a restaurant, even though the restaurants are practicing social distancing between tables, the rooms are always more packed than I am expecting them to be. it's so fucking frustrating bc I have been at home for the better part of 4 months, and people are just dining out, going to the gym, getting haircuts, etc. because they miss their friends or they're bored or some other trivial reason. Americans are stupid, no doubt, but the number of daily cases would be smaller if the government simply shut down nonessential businesses. god I hate it here

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