Daniel · 8 answers · 4y

What are the corona restrictions in your country right now?

They last week introduced mask wearing in shops since the general public failed to act responsibly and greatly missed on keeping their distance.

You can meet up to 6 people outside (unless its a wedding or funeral, then its 30) while maintaining social distancing rules. You can have people over now but I believe its limited to 2 people (again with social distancing in effect) - they can stay the night and you are allowed to travel anywhere in the country (except for one place thats in local lockdown) and spend the night there now. Public transport means you've got to wear a face covering. Shops are open and some sports have started. Gyms, Spa's and other leisure facilities will open at the end of the month assuming the numbers stay is a positive direction.

Can’t travel to another state (I’m in California) right now w/o having to quarantine for 2 wks upon arrival. Not likely to return to a regularly scheduled program in our schools (some may, but again, not in California). Likely a choice of 100% online or a hybrid model. Must wear a mask to go into stores. Only certain medical appointments are in person. The rest are via TeleMed.

it varies state to state the red, dumb states opened too quick and it's surging. So they're closing down again and the blue smarter states are still open so far

Depends on the state, but they're doing "phases" and we just entered phase 3 yesterday which means everything is open but social distancing is still mandatory. Businesses have to limit the amount of people they allow at a time, restaurants are encouraged to make accommodations for outdoor seating etc.

California, Arizona, Florida, and Texas are back to phase 1 because it's gotten pretty bad there. So quarentine for most people there.

Better to ask about the area were one lives and not the whole country. When you want to enter a store you have to wear a mask or something similiar and, I believe, when you want to drive by bus or train. That's it.

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