Daniel · 7 answers · 4y

How comes that many lesbians are more masculine than the average woman in terms of their looks and behavior?

I can't speak to that on a larger scale, but for me, I was a tomboy as a child long before I knew I was gay. I suspect that, much like gender orientation, gender expression is a complex mix of something that is inherent to you (some say that means genetics, but idk yet) and sociocultural milieu. We don't grow up in a vacuum-- we see what options are available to us as we learn & grow and we use whatever preference is inside of us to choose what we like best.

This isn't a conscious thing I developed for the sake of fitting into a certain role in a relationship, tho. The earliest memory I have of me actually picking out the clothes that I wanted to wear to school was in 3rd grade, and I was 8. I hated wearing feminine clothes. I didn't like acting especially feminine. But I don't think, at age 8, that I was trying to be butch so I'd be the more masculine lesbian in my future relationships lmao, I had NO concept of any of that when I was 8.

At the ripe age of 22 (a few months ago) I finally had my hair cut short after having LONG ass hair all my life. When I looked in the mirror I felt like I looked more like myself than I ever had. And I don't know exactly where that feeling comes from, it's just part of who I am and what I like for myself.

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