JUDE. · 13 answers · 1y

kalau naksir sama orang kalian lebih prefer langsung confess atau dipendem aja?

it depends.. but i prefer to keep it to myself for now because i have no intention of dating someone right now.

Depends on situation. Kalo ada hunch dia naksir gue balik, ya gue confess. Misal keliatannya gak begitu, mending diam aja. Takut duluan feeling rejected, maaf mental cupu.

Pendem. Pendem pendem pendem. I will never confess first, no matter how much I like them. Because I feel like, if they have a chance to be with someone other than me, I shouldn’t get in the way. I’m okay being “there” for them until they find their true love.

depends.. biasanya gue mastiin dulu beneran naksir as in romantically apa engga. if the feeling stays, confess

Tergantung dari orangnya juga! If the green lights bersinar terang (suka sama suka) yaudah gue gas confess. HAHAHAHA GAK GUE PERNAH MENDEM PERASAAN BTW MENDING MENDEM BIBIT POHON.

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