Daniel · 13 answers · 4y

What can i do against my fear of spiders?

I don't like spiders, but I feel bad for killing them, so the only other way of getting rid of them is to catch and relocate them, so catching them has been a way of confronting the fear I have. I'm still scared of giant house spiders (eratigena atrica), because they're so big and fast, but I'll still face my fear and catch them. Over the years I've also noticed things about their behavior, which makes them more predictable (kinda reminds me of video game boss patterns). For example, they might run fast, but they have poor stamina, and have to stop after a short distance to recharge - that's your opportunity to catch them in a glass. Knowing things like that makes them less scary.

So if you aren't already, I'd recommend getting used to catching them with a glass and piece of card. Start with the smallest spiders, and gradually go after bigger ones as you become more comfortable with it. It won't get rid of the fear completely, but you'll find it easier to cope.

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