Daniel · 14 answers · 4y

What can i do against my fear of spiders?

I never was seriously afraid of spiders, but observing that most run away from you might help.

Im sure they’re more afraid of you than you are of them. I’d rather have spiders in my home than flies or ants. I hate flies and ants.

I haven't read anything about this, but I was thinking the same thing 7amza said. Especially learn which ones can harm you and which ones can't.

Step by step. First look at pictures and check them out until they don't cause you fear anymore, if that is the case and then the next step, a video maybe and so on.

Most of them are harmless and want nothing to do with you tbh. Also jumping spiders are adorable

Spiders are our friends, they get rid of other bugs and whatnot, and the vast majority of them are harmless - unless you live in Australia, in which case just submit to your handsome spider overlords and be served as a feast for them

There is but one way to deal with irrational fears: expose yourself to the danger in small steps ever more close.

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