Jupiter · 6 answers · 1y

If you drinking coffee, what is you favorite coffee? If you don't, your favorite tea maybe?

Untuk kedua minuman itu, sangat fleksibel dan suka banyak jenis. 🤔 Tapi aku lebih suka susu.

suka americano sih, cuma kalau yang rasa rasa mungkin caramel macchiato atau mm mm.. apa yah, aduh aku maniak kopi...

i just started drinking coffee like last month and i only ever tried some menus from kopi kenangan. my favorite is caramel macchiato! but lately i'd prefer to just make a kopi sasetan

heeeii!! my favorite coffee is vanilla latte. i really like it because it's not too flashy and fits me well ☕💗

I don't like them both.. tapi kalau disuruh pilih di antara 2 itu, aku milih teh (milk tea or matcha) :D kalau kamu gimana???

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