Daniel · 20 answers · 3y

Do you often feel like you are the smartest person in the room?

No. When I'm in room full of people I'm never thinking about how smart we are(n't). All I'm ever really thinking about is Miss Prissy from Foghorn Leghorn cartoons going, "OHHH, UUUUUUUUH MAAAAAN?!!!" every time she sees a man because for some reason she's horny as hell and you know what, she's a sexual being and I'm not going to shame her for that, but you know what else? Boundaries are being crossed and she needs to actually maybe get her shit together. And also? Is there really no one who wants to dick her down? Like what is this world where no man is interested in her just because she's annoying as all holy hell and isn't some Big Booty Judy?? Some bitch would be all over her whole vibe, and that's just a fact. There's someone, multiple someones, who'd love to bang it out with Miss Prissy so what gives? I don't know how to feel about it.

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