Sean ⚡🤖 · 13 answers · 4y

How big a deal is a language barrier for you in a relationship? Like if you were very physically attracted but they barely spoke a word you could understand? Would you make the effort to learn their language? Want them to learn yours?

I've dated someone who was originally from Kenya and there was a little bit of a language barrier between her and my dumbass, but it was nothing as big as barely a word. Her first language was her mother tongue. English was her 3rd language and she'd learned some of it as a child and had also been in the US for 4 years when I met her and was pretty fluent in English by then. I wanted her to teach me some words (which I realize now was probably annoying), but she basically told me it was hopeless lmao. We weren't together very long, but I don't think it was the language barrier. She was uH, really, really Christian and had her life together, so we just weren't a good match. I dated someone who was hearing impaired, but that's different because ASL is pretty intuitive and easy to learn. I already knew the basics before I met her, but I did learn a lot more while we were together. Anywho, I don't think I'd ever be attracted to someone who was completely unable to pretend they had an emotional connection with me by communicating with me. So I'm guessing a profound language barrier would be a dealbreaker. I would be willing to learn a new language or try to help someone learn english tho ofc. Maybe we would fALL iN lOVE while that was happening, but that just kinda sounds like a romcom that a white person wrote.

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