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sometimes, instead of lines, she'd draw 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠, 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠, 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠.

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what's on your mind? 💭


mysterious catto. · 1y

gemi, apakah aku boleh tahu alat-alat untuk menggambar atau mewarnai yang kamu miliki? terima kasih, cantik.

Boleh banget, sender! Untuk oil pastel, aku ada empat yaitu dari Greebel, Kuelox, Mungyo, dan Pentel (jarang aku pakai). Untuk kertasnya aku pakai sketchbook dari macam-macam brand sih, yang penting cukup tebal aja kalau bisa diatas 150gsm. Watercolor aku pakai Sakura Koi dan kuasnya yang sering aku pakai itu dari Artemedia dan Princeton. Kalau gouache aku pakai miya himi. Kertasnya aku pakai Canson XL Aquarelle, Artemedia, Paul Rubens, atau Potentate. Terakhir untuk pensil warna aku pakai dari Deli yang High-grade oil pencil color 72 colors. Semoga membantu yaa 🤍

Seth. · 1y

hello there, Gemintang! sorry for reaching you through retrospring. your tweets often pass by my timeline and i’m so happy to see twitter algorithm bringing your pretty paintings to my timeline as it seems like we also share same interests! so may i follow you or maybe can we be friends?

hi, len! thank you for the compliment and i’m happy you reached me out, it would be nice to have you as my mutual since we share the same interests. so of course you can shoot me a follow and let’s be friends c:

mysterious catto. · 1y

Halo, Gemintang. Gambaranmu lewat timelineku, kalau izin untuk follow akunmu boleh gak ya? Terima kasih!

hi sender! boleh kok follow ajaa, tapi kasih tau ya akun kamu yang mana biar aku followback <3

mysterious catto. · 1y

aku suka lihat karya karyamu. kamu kemana ai?

hi, sender 🥺 makasih banyak udah suka sama karya karya aku, i really appreciate it ‹3 maaf ya aku belum bisa post gambar gambar lagi karna lagi loyo banget huhu, soon aku post lagi ya!

mysterious catto. · 1y

Halo, Kaia. Any tips untuk orang yang mau mulai gambar pakai oil pastel gak ya? Mungkin dari tools yang recommended apa, merk sketch book, oil pastel, dll. yang oke untuk beginner but not too pricey. Thanks! 💖

mysterious catto. · 1y

haii kaia, boleh tau gaa crayon apa aja yang kamu pake buat gambarr?

hello! anyways aku pakai oil pastel ya bukan crayon, paling sering aku pakai dari greebel tapi aku juga punya dari kuelox, mungyo sama pentel. semoga membantu! ‹3

mysterious catto. · 1y

Hello there, Kaia! Could you please let me know which sketchbook you used in your latest tweet? Thank you.

hello, sender! i’m using potentate sketchbook yang exposed stitch bound (nanti aku post fotonya juga).

mysterious catto. · 2y

halo kaia! boleh minta saranin buku buat pemula gak ya? yang bahasa nggak terlalu berat (jangan tereliye, aku udah banyak baca buku blio hehe) makasih!

mysterious catto. · 2y

Hello, Kaia. Firstable, I'm just a stranger actually but I'm kinda curious what type of iPhone do you use? If you find my curiousity bother you, issokay, you don't need to reply. Thankyou in advance!

mysterious catto. · 2y

hello, pretty! I stumbled upon your account and found out that you're a book enthusiast! may I know where do you buy all the books? is it via online or offline? I'm getting motivated to buy them, though. thanks in advance, and I hope you have a blissful day! ♡

hello, sender! i bought most of my books via online stores (shopee, tokopedia, tiktokshop, etc) since there’s a lot of discounts there hehe. but sometimes i bought them from offline stores like gramedia and peri+ 🛒 buut! aku juga belakangan ini ikut jastip biar dapat harga lebih murah. i hope this helps & have a wonderful day 💟

mysterious catto. · 2y

thank you for always bringing positivity on my timeline, god bless you kaia.

hi, sender! i don't know if i'm bringing enough positivity to anyone here (esp you), but i'm happy to know that at least you feel that way 🤍 also, you don't have to thank me, because everyone deserves to be surrounded by positivity 🦋

Kathie ☻ · 12 answers · 2y

Please tell me about your first impression of me! wink ❤︎

湖. · 24 answers · 2y

Can you recommend any good movies to watch when you are bored and want something entertaining but not too serious or deep?

you should watch mencuri raden saleh if you haven't or how to train your dragon! pasti bakal gemes sama toothless.

Isabby. · 10 answers · 2y

would you mind to tell me your currently reading? 🗯️📚

Mikaila ⁠★ · 2 answers · 2y

thoughts on ayeya dong, anyone? :D

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