湖. · 24 answers · 1y

Can you recommend any good movies to watch when you are bored and want something entertaining but not too serious or deep?

The series I watched last time was Parasyte Grey you can watch on Netflix, it's a really good series!

My answer is Ghibli movies. I know it’s very common but Ghibli movies are the best choice for wasting time. Also you won’t get bored cause their anime art is so pretty.

rrr… try watching dosukoi! sukehira. i watched it for kang jiyoung but it turns out to be very light and fun. if you want another option (which is my favorite melodrama), i’d say classic again!

Not sure if The Witcher is not too serious or too deep, but that one series is my go to when boredom strike.

you should watch mencuri raden saleh if you haven't or how to train your dragon! pasti bakal gemes sama toothless.

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