N. Athalian Raskal.

lower your expactation about raskal, you might be hurt if you know the truth. God bless.

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The Desire.


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Secret Admire. · 2mo

You're quite picky when it comes to friends or mutuals aren't you?

It's true, I'm quite picky when it comes to friends. But, in a positive way, not in a negative way. There are many things I need to pay attention too, when looking for a friends.

Secret Admire. · 3mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

Maybe, anywhere doors and flying cars. So it can make my activities much easier. How about you?

Laut · 3mo

Hi kk Askal, sebutkan top 3 makanan favorite mu

Alicee. · 3mo

jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan rukun terhadap sesama dan berikan contoh minimal 10

Secret Admire. · 3mo

cemiwiwmu banyak huhuhu apa aku mundur aja yaa

Maat, tapi saya kurang paham arah pembicaraanmu ini ke arah mana. Kalau yang dimaksud adalah yang dekat dengan saya dengan tujuan untuk ke arah suatu hubungan, maka jawabannya, tidak ada.

Secret Admire. · 3mo

oh ralat awkwkwk, i mean.. can i be yours? can i have you?

Huh? I'm sorry, got stunned to speak. It depends on how you treat me in the future. At least, we could be friend first, I guess.

Secret Admire. · 3mo

helloooooooooooo, can i have your time?

I have so many time, for to do anything that I want. Then, what kind of time do you expect from me?

Mario Adhitama · 49 answers · 3mo

Kalau replyan X jadi gaib gitu cara sembuhinnya gimana ya? Gak masuk mentab dan qrt juga sama. Barangkali ada yang tau solusinya? (gen ask)

Itu karna kena ghost ban, mau tidak mau akunnya harus di istirahatkan terlebih dahulu, minimal 7 hari.

Gregory · 49 answers · 3mo

Hello, nice to meet you! how should I call your name?

Hallo, for short, you can call me with Raskal. Or maybe you have any suggestion for my nick name.

Secret Admire. · 3mo

halo kal, sori. gua abis stalk akun lo, and you have this energy to attract people. Ini gua ijin deketin lo boleh gak ya? gak buru buru sih, dimulai dari- gua follow akun lo dulu. oh idk if this appropriate or no, but do you mind about roles? im the dominant one, and dont worry, im on legal age and mature enough in rls. Please answer ya biar gua tau harus melangkah atau mundur

Oh, hallo there sendernim. Sejujur nya saya agak kaget, kok moment nya bisa tiba-tiba banget sepert ini. Tapi, terimakasih ya atas niat baiknya. Kalau memang mau kenalan dulu, diperbolehkan. Jadi, jangan sungkan juga untuk saling bertukar sapa sama saya. And anw about the roles that you've been asked before, I don't mind it. Just be yourself, ya? See you very soon.

Secret Admire. · 4mo

Boleh disinggahin gak hatinya?

𖹭 · 14 answers · 4mo

have you seen the movie iceberg pic? if i made a thread that includes my own review along with link to watch them, would anyone like it?

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