Gregory · 49 answers · 3mo

Hello, nice to meet you! how should I call your name?

If you prefer a shorter option, you can go with King. Nice to see you around, Gory.

hello, gregory! it is so nice to meet you here. ♥︎ you may call me kathleen, or kath for short!

Hi, nice to know you too. You can call me anything you want, but mostly my friends call me Rio/Io for short.

tuna! bisa juga atutun, atun, tunatun, toona, tunatoon, tunnie, tunny, tuntun, tuncil, many more!

Hi, Gregory, your name sounds like gorgeous, right? Hehe. You can call me Evan or Lily. Anyway, glad to know you! 🙆🏻‍♀️

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