Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

ꕮ aimery · 5 answers · 1y

last night my cat died and now i feel nothing but emptiness...

i'm so sorry to hear this, pasti sedih banget banget ga kebayang juga. aku pun pernah punya meng kecil baru 3 hari di adopt langsung ngga ada. peluk ai erat erat :"(

Oh no... I share your grief in this time of bereavement with deepest sympathy and condolence. May your cat rest peacefully. Wajar kalau ngerasa kosong buat sekarang, i can't do anything but pray that your condition recovers quickly. For now let your emotions flow, if you want to cry then pour it out. Nanti dicoba distract pakai hal lain kalau semisal gak mau terlalu kepikiran.

I’m so sorry for your lost yaa sayaangku☹️🤍 it’s totally okay if you feel empty, but jangan lama-lama yaaa sedihnyaa. Hope you feel better cantikk. Rest in peace, precious cat.🐱🤍

Sorry for hear that, kak Ai.... Wajar banget ngerasa feeling empty.... Sedih dulu aja, nggak papa kok. Tapi jangan terlalu lama, ya? Dicoba distract pakai hal-hal yang disuka, semoga perasaan kak Ai akan baik-baik aja ya. Aamiin.

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