Sheon · 19 answers · 2mo

How was your weekend this week? Do you guys have anything to share?

It's been over a week, but I figured I'd reply anyway. My last week went well, I managed to meet all my deadlines without any problems. I also managed to do something I really enjoy at the end of the week. So all in all, it wasn't too bad of a week, all things considered.

It feels mixed up, like having a weekend but not really feeling like it's a weekend? But I'm enjoying it, feels like being more productive! Thanks for asking, Sheon!

Hmm, everything went pretty much the same but I had a random binge-watching and it was suuuper fun happy

Weekend was quite good, I was productive. Although the weather was hellish and I needed to take some meds for my headache, I enjoyed that

It's been great and lovely! I took rest so well and eat my favorite foods oh— also I baked chocolate cake! Taste so so so so yumm!!!! Wby sheon?

kinda tiring but wonderful, i should say. just met a lot of new faces and they are so wholesome so it's really.. amusing. <3

my weekend is like a roller coaster. sakit beberapa kali karena stress tapi banyak moment senangnya juga bareng teman-teman.

Hey, thank you for asking. My weekend wasn't all that disappointing but not very enjoyable either 😅 perhaps some could actually relate but nowadays the closer we get to celebrate raya the more anxious I become, and I don't seem to know why. Eid should be the day we all find blessed triumph, neverending joy, peace, freedom all celebrated in a series of events. But instead I feel like I shouldn't be celebrating it at all, like I'm not allowed to join the delightful celebration. But I shall find a way to tend this bothersome feeling, hopefully soon. How about you? Did you have an enjoyable weekend?

my week was rollercoaster, i got the happy and the sad part at the same time everyday, but yeah i have to stay alive for anyone who REALLY care and love me.

weekend ini beneran ga ngapa-ngapain. aslinya juga ga tau mau ngapain karena tugasku banyak yang udah kelar. dari kemarin cuma ngegame kek orang bego (soalnya kalah mulu). oiya minggu ini boros banget padahal ga ke mana-mana, tapi scan qris mulu T_____T

I had a pleasant weekend this week, thank you for asking. I got enough rest (not enough sleep, though) and I got to rekindle with my friends :D How’s yours, Sheon?

IT WAS FUN!!! i wanted to share it with long answer but, i’m too tired to types (sorry☹️) but my weekend went well, tdy i go to church and me and my cousin decided to go out like.. why not? so we went out to eat ramen, tarts, sweets! and we planned to watch ghostbusters (i gave it, 8.5/10. it was fun movie) tottally recommend for u to watch. and that’s all.. ty for asking🫶🏻

I was sick the whole weekend so I'm up for nothing muuuch, but I was accompanied by my s/o! :3

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