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what color do you associate goro akechi with?

Black mostly, kinda hard to associate him with anything else thanks to his Black Mask outfit :P

guy who has not checked this in like 2 weeks but its burgundy. which i know reds are the obvious call but thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth

hmmm a detective of many colors. red, blue, green, gold, grey, brown, white, black… a veritable rainbow. but if i had to pick one i’d say red!

Green! I really love how he looks in it and his 3rd sem sweater lives in my head rent free

Greige? Is that a color? Wheat, and rust reds. Bits from his color scheme I suppose, but I really like his leaning towards middling soft colors that aren’t frequently used elsewhere.

I love him in red! Whether it’s representing violence or love, it’s a very passionate color to me, and that’s what I associate Goro with - passion and relentlessness

Hmmm.... I was gonna say Red but i guess that's more of Jokers color... i think i tend to associate him with white or with the color of his blazer actually akdhakdb like!! If i see that color out in the wild i am like Goro color also the color of his hair is very goro color (tm)

white, it’s his chess piece, it’s associated with his imagery he projects, it symbolizes what purity and innocence he lost

i also associate red with Goro bc it’s the unifying color between his 3 personas (Robin, Loki, and Hereward)

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