shakie š™š

through an avenue of spires a zephyrā€™ floats; a bird whistles; a freshet beats away from a choked river.

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š–¹­ Ā· 60 answers Ā· 3mo

teh sisri atau teajus? tentukan pilihanmu sekarang!

š–¹­ Ā· 54 answers Ā· 3mo

pilih satu diantara pringles, mr. potato, lays, potato q, piattos, chitato, japota, dan potabee! šŸ„”

š–¹­ Ā· 52 answers Ā· 3mo

kamu kalo beli ciki, prefer potato chips atau keripik singkong?

š–¹­ Ā· 55 answers Ā· 3mo

menurut kamu mana yang lebih jahat, pesugihan atau santet?

curious kitten šŸˆšŸ¾ Ā· 3mo

What's your type?

mmm.. a guy who is smarter than me, taller than me, humoris, bukan dry texter, sefrekuensi intinya mah, yang bisa diajak bercanda :0

Gebiel Edelio Ā· 8 answers Ā· 3mo

Ada engga, lagu andalan kalian kalau lagi pengen nangis? Saya butuh rekomendasi

š“² ą¹‹ą£­ ā­‘ Ā· 19 answers Ā· 3mo

What song do you usually tuned in to when you fell in love?

Aru. Ā· 8 answers Ā· 3mo

Kalau kalian dikasih kesempatan buat ngulang hal di masa lalu, kalian bakal milih ngulangin hal apa?

kayaknya gada yang perlu diubah deh? karena udah masa lalu juga jadi yaudah, mending maunya dikasi kesempatan lihat masa depan aja :0

Won So-ri Ā· 9 answers Ā· 3mo

Sebutin satu sayuran paling kalian gak suka, dan satu yang paling kalian suka dong :3

Millenka A. Ā· 3mo

halo shakie! aku sender retro dari ssefnum mind to fb? sebelumnya makasih yaa

curious kitten šŸˆšŸ¾ Ā· 3mo

if you could teleport to your favorite anime, film, Kdrama or series, what would you choose? šŸŽ¬

i would choose anime, for example Kimi Ni Todoke because i wanna meet my beloved Kazehaya :3

Naina Ā· 14 answers Ā· 3mo

What if someone you never expected say 'i love you' romantic way (not platonic)? How do you respond?

my response depends on who said it, and also depends on the situation. mungkin aku bakal kaget juga, mungkin respon ku kayak, oh? makasih ya. and of course i will try not to say anything that might hurt their feelings :D

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