K. · 19 answers · 1y

would you rather to eat, spicy, sweet or savory foods?

Sweet and savory. I have a sweet tooth and don’t really enjoy spicy foods that much.

i cant eat spicy food at all!! aaaah maybe either than sweet food i love to eat savory and lil bit sour food?

SAVORY!! SAVORY FOOD IS MY FAVORITEEEEE {shout loudly} i don’t like spicy, it makes my tongue and stomach hurt. im not into sweet food that much too, gampang eneg bocahnya #melirik_diri_sendiri 😵‍💫

my answer will be spicy food! i must agree that almost all spicy foods are delicious but i can't eat it if it's too spicy for me to eat, so, i must adjust to my tolerance!

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