Misach Van. · 17 answers · 1y

What is your comfort food?

I love eating dumplings soup with ground chicken and sesame sauce (I usually use salad dressing) as the filling, bubur ayam and ayam geprek are my comfort food and saviour from confusion about what to eat.

chicken katsu curry. it’s always be my comfort food since day one.. { walaupun masaknya agak ribet } T___T

📜: sejujurnya makan makanan pedes itu bikin mulut seneng, tapi ngga aman di perut. Jadi aku bingung comfort food bagi aku itu yang kaya gimana 😞

any kind of sweets! it could be as simple as donuts, cakes, ice cream, or anything.

salted egg soft tofu! to add more: hakau udang, odeng, uhm does ice cream count? 😙

hello, van! i never thought about this before... but i think it's a scarlet red velvet cake! i really enjoy eating the cake in every situation :D what is yours?

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