Misach Van. · 12 answers · 1y

What is the first things you guys did after you know a fact that you have a serious illness in terms

Shock, being blue, and I might use all my remaining times to do what I want or what I like. Spend my times with people I love. And buying everything me wants.

ikhlas & nulis surat wasiat, bye all, it’s time for me to menuju isekai 😞🫶🏻

Immediately told my parents… i couldn’t stand it alone and they deserve to know

I'm going to tell my parents first, and then I'll just write my last letter in case I don't make it. Oh, I'll also tweet about it.

well i got to shitpost about it first. i was thinking about telling my family first, but my family consists of people who have the worst state of panicking so i dont think i could handle their reaction after i JUST received the news. i had to make a peace with it first (by shitposting)

ikhlas aja, yasudah.. sudah takdirnya begitu kayaknya ( maaf aku pasrahan orangnya)

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