Lorel! · 13 answers · 1y

Hello folks! Any plans for weekend?

Guess i'm just gonna spend it by having more sleep than usual in order to get ready for another rough week.

Baru aja selesai kumpul sama teman SMA. Sekarang loyo, besok kayanya bakalan seharian di kamar.

I haven’t thought of one yet, probably just stay home and enjoy the rest of the day.

my plan for the weekend is to practice drawing skills, there’s tutoring too on sunday, group work on crafts, then visit hidden gems, then if i have so much time maybe i’m gonna watch some movies too. any recommendations?

Halo, Lorel. Kayaknya hari ini nyari semangat untuk packing sih. Tapi belum dapet-dapet. Kamu plan apa hari ini?

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