
Hi, this is Archery Violetta speaking! Bukan atlet panah tapi kalau memanah hatimu sih bisa.

Ps. Ini juga akun nya Araska yang itu 🙏🏻

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Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Witnessing your simping era again and I'm here for it 😻glad to see you happy, Cey.

KOK AKU BARU LIAT INI YA. Lucu banget huhu makasih nder, maaf ya kalau lewat tl ngebucin terus 😭

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

spill ayang

Avery Grambs · 21 answers · 1y

Daily check question by guin part 02 ! 🧸🪄


I once read something like, "hidup itu adalah potongan antara satu perpindahan ke perpindahan lainnya, yang perlu kita lakukan hanya mencari kebahagiaan kebahagiaan kecil di antara perpindahan itu." And i was like.. ah ya, why do i need to overthink about everything when all i have to do is live my life in the simplest way, doing my work and all the things that give me joy.

· 1y

𑁍 .. At the end of the day or week or month what really matters is that you and your loved ones are safe and well, you have done your best— you are grateful for being who you are as you touch the world with your presence. Have a wonderful day, C!

Hi! How's your day? Hari ini aku capek tapi seneng bgt karna abis kelarin kerjaan yg bikin aku overthinking berminggu-minggu terus pulangnya main sama temen hshsh anyway sorry baru kebales :( semoga hari kamu juga menyenangkan yaa!

Adimas Srinarendra · 23 answers · 1y

Sore all, mau tanya nih, ada yang minat temenan di Twitter sama orgil (re: Andra) ga ya? But take a note I use harsh words very often, very loud, dan bertingkah seperti epitome of hopeless romantic (mengsedih). Yang mau boleh jawab pertanyaan ini, tapi yang ngerasa "ah kayaknya ga cocok temenan sama orgil satu ini" juga gapapa ga usah dijawab yes 😁

aca / caca! ෆ · 7 answers · 1y

suggest me a movie or series to watch? thANK YOU ❗😋🌹🎀

Adimas Srinarendra · 18 answers · 1y

Hoi guys 🫵🏻 Mau bonding di sini dong. Kalian pas bales ini pada lagi ngapain nih?

Abis push rank mlbb nih min, sekarang lagi berusaha untuk tidur karna BESOK SENIN AAAAA TIDAK t____t

Adimas Srinarendra · 1y

Hello, Ceyi! I am the sender of the Retrospring-related menfess 😬 I commonly get called as Andra, but any name from my full name would do. So how was your day going so far? Any story from your Thursday?

Oh hello, Andra! Anyway, your name sounds so cool 😳 uhm- nothing good and interesting happened yesterday, i spent most of my day rotting in bed watching shows and playing some games. How about you? Hope your day was great and today will be even better ya! :3

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