cLOUD · 5 answers · 3y

What’s your craziest neighbor story ?

A family friend (of my neighbour) broke in and road my neighbour... I'll give you a minute :P

Had a couple live a floor below me who'd always argue about who's turn it was to wash the dishes or do laundry etc.. And everytime and I mean EVERY DAMN TIME I'd hear them having sex afterwards like it was a conjugal visit.

I haven't really had crazy neighbors, or I tune them out or something - I mean some of them liked to fornicate with gusto ( and with windows open or on the patio) but that's it... an old lady across the street thought I was a drug dealer or something because I worked weird hours, but we were fine once we got to know each other

Meth lab next door to my parents' house. A hoard of police officers showed up one day. It's was a totally middle-of-the-road, mostly white neighborhood.

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