Merida · 8 answers · 3y

"If it's meant to be, it will". Thoughts on this?

Only if you believe your fate has already been decided by someone else long before you were born.

That it how the world works I guess. But it is never a punishment from God, it is Karma, maybe from 1000 years in the past.

Yeah— well, we also need to do our part to get the ball rolling. God helps those that help themselves.

Don't know. It's probably not true, though, otherwise there'd be no point in endowing beings with the ability to act and make decisions, because decisions and actions clearly influence what happens, and if they don't, then they're superfluous. Well, I guess you could say the decisions and actions are only for the things that are neither meant to be nor meant not to be, but, eh.. you can decide to kill yourself, then suddenly that means that everything that could have otherwise happened wasn't meant to be? I don't think so.

BS. People who hinder others often come with this slogan to hide their negative influence.

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