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This is a little something I made so my readers can ask the Erens and Levis from my fics some questions. Ask away. They don't bite.

That was a lie. They all bite. Hard.

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Ask Eren or Levi anything!


Little Anon · 2mo

You wrote a one shot about zombie levi in ccs ah it was so good. I love your content

Thank you! I'm always happy to hear that someone has enjoyed my writing. :)
Still, it's sad that all those drabbles on CC are gone. I guess it should teach me to save everything, even when I think I don't need to.

Little Anon · 2mo

OMG how I have missed this account! I died laughing at BS Eren saying he’s taking 5-year old Levi to his planet! Little Levi has them all wrapped around his tiny fingers. Question - will the Resistance baby have royal power whether it’s an alpha or omega, or just if it’s an alpha? And will it be less strong because it’s only 1/2 royal?

BS Eren was playing no games. He was more than willing to fight all the other Erens for little Levi.

As for your question, yes, the Resistance baby will have royal power no matter what it presents as. And despite it only being half royal, it'll still be as strong as if it were full blood. That mainly has to do with the fact that Eren got injected with the Alpha serum. I'd say more but don't want to spoil too much, as I'll be explaining this more in-depth in Apricity.

Little Anon · 2mo

Hi Trish! Hope you're doing amazing!

I really liked a little something you wrote in curiouscat a while ago. It was about psycho nurse Eren forcefully having his way with Levi. It was so good, but now curiouscat is not working, there's a possibility you still have that draft? :")

I know exactly which one you're talking about. Unfortunately, I didn't save it. I had no idea CuriousCat servers were going down. It looks like Retrospring will also be shut down next March. Wtf! That's super lame, considering I enjoy using both. :sob:
But I'm sorry I can't provide you with that juicy little story. It sucks it's been lost in the void.

Little Anon · 2mo

Hi, Trish! Uhm. We've seen the Eren's reactions to fem Levi, but how about if they meet a 5 year-old Levi? How would they react to his cuteness?

Little Anon · 3mo

First, welcome back! I’m beyond excited to see you writing again! So, I was engaging in some serious procrastination from life and clicked on the Let the World Burn video and wow that song really does fit BP! If Eren is in that kind of feels I cannot wait to see the lengths he goes to in order to capture his little one’s heart.
Speaking of, Eren had to have been watching Levi before he decided to ask him to do the blood promise. What were his initial thoughts about Levi? Before he ever approached him?

Little Anon · 3mo

Raiza speaking, lol.
Question for author: When BP Levi gets his scar, is the damage bad enough that his iris is lighter or barely noticeable than the other eye? (kinda like the manga/anime?)

For BP Eren: 2 bottoms x 1 top situation. Which Levi would he choose to accompany w/ his own, so he can smash both?

Resistance question: Idk if this is spoilery, but what happens when a royal alpha and royal omega fuck? That shit must be crazy.

Little Anon · 2y

What would the Levis reactions be to 'cabin Eren'?

Little Anon · 2y

which of your Erens are most likely able to say canon Eren's edgelord lines?
such as "I just keep moving forward, till I've killed my enemies" or "fight fight" in front of a mirror?

Say them and not sound OOC in the process? Resistance Eren can pull off the "I will keep moving forward until my enemies are destroyed," line. And the "fight fight" line in front of a mirror can be masterfully pulled off by Blood Promise Eren. 😌

Little Anon · 2y

love so much how your levi’s always embody key elements of his og character design. i’ve seen when writers occasionally forgo all the traits that make a character the character they are . it’s just so nice how your levi’s always share strength, valuing independence and caring deeply for others to name a few 🫶🏼actually quite obsessed with him. eren better watch out honestly , esp once fem levi makes her next appearance. sorry to comment this here it wouldn’t send to your CC!

Thank you! I'm always happy to hear that you guys enjoy the way I write Levi. In all honesty, I think Levi is one of the most caring characters in SnK. He just doesn't show it in the most obvious way, and I relate to that a lot. I'm the type who doesn't know how to voice my feelings, but I'll show them plenty through my actions. I think Levi's the same way, and I'm glad that shows in my fics. ^^

Little Anon · 2y

do you think rs eren will ever be able to relax at home? i remember when we first saw levi relax enough assured in eren’s ability to take care of him if anything were to potentially go wrong. will eren ever achieve sense of peace/relaxation? or do you think past experiences and feelings of responsibility to ensure levi’s protected w baby outweighs that for him? -

Little Anon · 2y

How does BP Levi keep the scar he's gonna get despite Eren having the ability to heal him through their connection? or is that a spoiler?

As explained in Chapter 7, any injury Levi sustains cannot be healed by Eren. It's the main side effect of an alpha and omega performing the Blood Promise. Now, if Eren had been the one who got injured, he'd be able to heal and in turn, Levi would heal through their connection. But, unfortunately, it's our baby, Levi, who ends up getting hurt.

Little Anon · 2y

How long do BP ruts and heats last?

Little Anon · 2y

How would the Erens react to Fem Levi?

Little Anon · 2y

would any of your erens be genuinely shocked to learn people aren’t immediately enamoured with levi the moment they meet him?(if he were to come into contact w such person, or online) i could imagine him beefing them 💀 levi’s own personal swat team

Trish, regarding her Erens: Well, guys, which one of you would be shocked?

All of them: in shock

Trish: I knew it.

Resistance Eren: How is that possible?

BS Eren: Are these humans blind? That's the only explanation.

Trish: No, they're not blind. There are people out there who don't like Levi.

BP Eren: Point them out. I'll take care of them.

Metamorphosis Eren, who knows they're all being irrational, but still just as pissed: I'll help.

Little Anon · 2y

If the world of Metamorphosis was a abo world, what would Levi and Eren's smells be like?

Metamorphosis Eren would have a smoky scent, like a campfire, mixed with notes of clove and vanilla.
Metamorphosis Levi's scent would be deep and rich, a soft mixture of molasses and ginger. On God, he'd smell so good and sweet when he's in heat.

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