
a group of characters living in a very "golden" place always looking for fun

If you want one of the characters to answer, make sure the question is directed at them by name!

100% fictional!

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Mystery Person · 1y

there are a lot of lewd questions but can we ask your girls wholesome questions too?

Yes of course!! Those are my favorites so please do! My girls may be naughty but I promise they are all sweet and would love to talk about normal stuff!

TheBull1998 · 4mo

Everyone: Let's say we were all sitting on the couch in my Livingroom and all of you had the sudden urge to pee very bad and very desperately. Where Would you guys pee at?

Mystery Person · 4mo

Everyone: Lets say I were to invite you all over and you were all sitting next to me on my bed and all of a sudden you all became desperate to go pee. Where would you go pee?

Fuyu: "The toilet. I bet all the others would be happy to wet your bed though..."
Haru: "Yeah... I'd just let it go!"
Yuki: "Me too, but I might whip it out and aim for something instead if I'm in the mood... depends on what you have in there!~"
Momo: "I would probably sit on your pillow and go there... but I'd hover a little and give you a show if you asked nicely!"
Nana: "I'd just open my legs and pee over the edge, right on your floor."

Mystery Person · 4mo

everyone: do you have a favorite "little thing" about peeing? like a specific detail that isnt obvious other than the simple act of peeing somewhere

Mystery Person · 5mo

For the family: Ever had a whole family pee holding contest? Or a distance contest?

Momo: "Mmm... no, but that sounds like a great time to me! How about you?"
Haru: "I'm in!!"
Yuki: "Me too!"
Nana: "I'd love to play."
the four of them look at Fuyu with puppy dog eyes
Fuyu: "...f-fine, I'll play too..."
Momo, Haru and Yuki all together: "Yaaay!"
Nana: "Who knows, maybe this will be fun enough to become a regular thing..."
Fuyu: "D-don't push your luck!"

Mystery Person · 5mo

Everyone: So, nudity is allowed where you live, right? Why are you always wearing clothes then?

Mystery Person · 5mo

For the family: You're all part succubus (except Fuyu) and that makes you so horny you need to cum at least three times a day, right? Do you ever get so hot and bothered you cum on accident? Like, without even touching yourself, you just suddenly start cumming?

Mystery Person · 4mo

How does everyone feel about people watching them pee?

Mystery Person · 7mo

Haru & Yuki: You said you'll never pee in sinks or showers on purpose... why? Isn't it fun? Better than a toilet, after all.

Haru: "Well... its kinda fun..."
Yuki: "I like the naughty feeling of doing it in the sink since its not meant for that..."
Haru: "...and I like the feeling of getting pee all over each other and everything around us while we're already wet..."
Yuki: "...but we both still like everything else more!"
Haru: "For me, I like knowing that wherever I pee, it's not going down a drain!"
Yuki: "For me, the sound is my favorite part and sinks and showers make the most boring sounds!

Mystery Person · 7mo

About Alea, Malie and Ruki... they're from your stories, right? It's been a long time... will there be more stories? Or will they appear somewhere else?

Someday i will write more stories with them, because i really like them... but I have been struggling so hard to write anything for a long time now, so i dont think that will be soon. I have been thinking about making kk chara cards for them though so i can include them in future pictures...

Mystery Person · 8mo

Someone asked Haru and Yuki already, so now it's everyone else's turn? How do you feel about toilets? Do you use them? Do you have one in your house?

Mystery Person · 8mo

Haru and Yuki separately: Whisper in my ear... what's one secret about your brother that only you know?

Yuki looks curiously at Haru
Haru: "It's okay with me, let's do it!"
Yuki leans close to your ear and whispers: "Haru still has real accidents all the time!"
Haru leans in to your other ear: "Yuki still sucks his thumb in his sleep!"

Mystery Person · 8mo

Haru and Yuki separately: What's the one thing you love the most about your brother?

Haru: "Um... that's a hard question..."
Yuki: "Come on, you can do it! For me, my favorite thing about you is your gentleness!"
Haru: "Hehe... well... then my favorite thing about Yuki is how he protects me!"

Mystery Person · 8mo

Can you tell us anything about yourself for your sona? Will your sona be appearing again?

I don't really know how to answer this... do you mean something personal? Because even though my sona is based on a version of me, I think my real self is very different from her. I will tell you that she is a big clingy baby though! I think she will appear more in the future now that I put thought into it... but not yet, there are a bunch of things I still want to make first.

Mystery Person · 8mo

Haru and Yuki: How do you feel about toilets? Do you use them?

Mystery Person · 8mo

Haru and Yuki: Have you ever peed inside each other or others?
Now everyone: Ever been peed in by someone else? Have you drank pee? Is there any kinds of pee play you aren't okay with?

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