A · 7 answers · 11mo

What's your impression of Astrology? Yep, not astronomy but astrology.

I freaking love it. I met a newer friend recently who has sent me endless scientific studies disproving it. And I do get it, the initial information on astrology isn’t strong enough- and a lot of our resources have been made for entertainment. But, I can’t help it. I still love it. and as I’ve told my friend, it’s true for the people in my life that they fit their astrological charts. I see it as the universe has influences on us but that doesn’t mean there’s not other factors that produce different outcomes.

It's interesting to think about, but I'm not going to stay home because the moon is in Capricorn or whatever...but just thinking about the abundance of Virgos in my life tells me something more than happenstance is going on, nah'mean

Where is the sky ? ........ there's no sky. It's all just amateur work. Nothing serious. These scientists get paid for unreliable science.

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