@liz£h · 10 answers · 4y

How do you judge food? By taste, appearance, smell, or feel? Can food be delicious if it looks terrible?

There are different kinds of assessments. Like I'd first judge something based on how it looks or smells, depending on which comes first. If it looks bad, that's not great but workable, but if it smells bad, I'm definitely not tasting it. Taste and feel come second, and if they can pass the smell phase it'll usually be okay too.

Mostly by taste, but sometimes you have to judge by appearance or smell to see if you want to buy it or whatever. Food can definitely be delicious that looks terrible (like the diarrhea Pawesome was talking about).

Mostly taste but smell is kind of important too. It doesn't really matter what it looks like, for example chili looks like diahrrea in a bowl but it's really good

I judge it by all these categories plus by ingredients. If raisins are in it I'm out in any case. With the exception of being invited and it would be a heartless act of rejecting civility given as a guest. But it is rare I'm in any Arabic cultures these days as a guest.

Presentation is nice, but it's way less important than smell and taste...yes I have had food that looked messy but tasted great (OK fine I may have cooked it but still)

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