Pandy · 7 answers · 3y

How frequently would you like to be talked to by your partner in a relationship? (i.e. at least every waking hour, at least once a week etc.)

At least once or twice a day. Probably more. Doesn't have to be every waking hour.

there's no set amount, just as long as nothing that needs to be said gets left unsaid

It's nothing I could schedule. Communication is important but also individual space and time. So I don't know...aren't those things supposed to flow naturally? 🤔. If you talk to me every hour bc you feel "it's time to talk to her bc its been a while since I don't say anything (whether it's stupid or not) I think it could sound forced and weird.

I do not need much "talk" but much "exchange". This can mean that non verbal exchange might take over sometimes. As we do not share our daily life constantly since both of us need to change location often due to work, we need also some nonsensical exchange like: How was your day, what shoes do you wear, was your client nice etc.

I don’t need constant communication. A good morning, have a great day while I leave for work is enough until I get home. Unless he is doing something fun, interesting, or important during the day, I’d like to know how it’s going. During our LDR though, we would talk throughout the day just to stay in touch. I don’t miss it. I hate texting lol.

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