Pandy · 6 answers · 2y

What, in your opinion, separates a great parent from a mediocre one?

There is no such thing as a great parent.

The number one rule of parenting is and always has been : ''You WILL make mistakes. Its just your job to ensure the mistakes made aren't mahoosive ones''.

Parenting is also heavily dependent on external factors. What support system you have in place, do you have family nearby because it takes a village.

What kind of hours do you work? Can you easily fit family time in and have energy to run with the kids?

A parent who is doing their job right is simply ensuring their child feels loved and safe. Anything else is a bonus.

Great parents are those who don’t make parenting decisions based on their convenience.

For me, mediocre parents are the ones who think that the only responsibility to their children is to give them food, shelter and education. On the other hand, great parents are the ones who (in addition to the above) are actively present in the lives of their children teaching them values, respecting them as individuals and giving them love and attention.

A parent with a good heart all the way from a parent with a heart full of mistakes and some darkness, still a little light but nothing too crazy.

Nerves of steel and bearing what your child delivers while supporting them the best.

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