Pandy · 7 answers · 2y

Do you like the direction society is going in? If not, how would you like to see it change?

Misogyny is increasing. If this trend continues, perhaps women will return to the days of the suffragettes and putting bombs in places again.

Society is dominated at all times by idiosyncratic ideas of more or less mindless lunacy. So the direction is always clear: maximise harm and impact on individuals in order to allow a vocal group of idiots to live their prejudices while any social support and effort is critically addressed as only to be for individuals who are lazy.

no, individualism has become a virtue and our leaders use fear of the 'other' to play us against each other to everyone's detriment (except the ruling elite owner class) - I would like to see more cooperation and less 'I got mine, fuck you get your own'

I like some things about its direction, dislike others. The main thing is we're not doing enough to save the planet and we're all gonna be totally fucked.

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