Pandy · 7 answers · 2y

Is there a celebrity you'd say you're a fan of? If so, who? and why?

Tom Hanks- He’s a fantastic actor. Bruno Mars- He’s an all around great entertainer.

My husband thinks it’s woody harrelson and I let him think that. But it’s really Antonio Banderas. Shhhhh 🤫

I'd say I can be a fan of roles rather than the actors. I prefer the good roles they do. The real person in comparison is often a let down. I do not want to read gossip or background stories about actors therefore. Their personal failures or bad character damages my image of a good role they had. They must not spoil my favourite characters they once played!

I know it clitche now to say given his fame. But I like Ryan Reynolds. He seems like a nice, funny guy. So is Chris Hemsworth. These guys should be dicks given how nice looking they are. But they're not. I appreciate that🙂

I guess? There are celebrities I like, so I must be their fan? Bill Murray, for example. Why? I don't know.. do I really have to explain why one likes Bill Murray? :d

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