Pandy · 9 answers · 1y

What are your thoughts on anime? (i.e. Japanese Style Animation)

Not bad. I used to think I wouldn't like it but I was wrong. I really like "Death Note" and "Attack on Titan" anime series. Also, the anime movie "The Grave of the Fireflies" was probably the saddest moving picture I've watched.

I do like some, but the Japanese culture often makes those work like blunt copies of some simple styles used everywhere. And that style is more dark, weird and also plain fascist to an astonishing amount in my mind. It also repeats ad nauseam coarse characters and gender roles of long gone cavemen times , misogynistic views, it coins people in racist ways and is often promoting staggeringly dumb ways of violent "solutions".

It's an oddly peculiar/specific aesthetic for how popular it is. As for its quality, it's not unaesthetic (well, I saw a style of anime the other week that looked awful, like in that episode of South Park where all the kids are anime, but otherwise..), and the stories are good for the ones I've seen (but I'm very selective about which ones I see).

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