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Pandy · 6 answers · 2mo

Is 'Ladies First' (allowing a Woman to go through a door or get ahead in a queue) chivalry or sexism?

not at all, it's a known historical fact that it was common practice to send women into a room first in case there was an enemy ambush waiting, may their memory be honored 😞

It is both, sexist and chivalry, as chivalry can be the expression of a sexist stance about women. But being polite is something else. So be polite and nice to women too, please!

I always open doors for other ppl, regardless of gender. So if I open a door for a lady, it’s not sexism because I do it for everyone. Just be nice y’all. Or not.

man voice Of course it's not sexism, I just like women going first so I can look at their arse, and there's nothing wrong with that, right?

But frankly, it's a last century custom that I don't enjoy.

I think you really have to stretch it to make giving women an advantage, putting them firs, out to be sexism...but that's exactly what people are doing nowadays--stretching everything into sexism, racism, etc.

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