Pandy · 7 answers · 4y

What was the last topic you saw someone get 'triggered' (rapidly offended) by?

My SJW relative gets so offended when I use "Jew" as an adjective. Think I was complaining about my bank "being jewy" or something.

Me... currently. My brother just sent me a video of a priest pontificating about forgiveness. I’m tired of his hypocrisy and holier than though bullshit.

One of my co workers came from Algeria, black man, Muslim and very "Arabic" with regard to manners, civility and especially women, good balance of respect and a bit of almost flirty civility. One day I said to him when we met in the morning: Salam aleikum! My other coworker felt very offended because I never had said "Bojour!" to him in French. Some people are easily offended when triggered at their nationalistic vanity spots.

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