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! 𝐊𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐀𝐇 🦇 · 8 answers · 2y

Opinion on felines?

Cats are proof that some form of divinity actually exists. The beautiful, benevolent, cruel and mischievous kind in equal measure.

House cats are soooo cute, especially kittens. In general, felines, like many animals, are really cruel for eating other animals. Earth is an evil place.

I'm more of a fan of big felines than small ones. Not for anything in particular, it's just that I usually find the large version of each animal species more interesting. So yeah, I love big felines.

they're all mischief makers, some of them are cute and cuddly, others are big and scary, some are a mix of both. but i do want to pet all of them.

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