Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Malik · 11 answers · 12mo

Finally we've reached the end of this long ass month, is january treating you guys well?

fifty fifty. january drained a lot of my energy and made me feel overwhelmed. a lot of distracting thoughts and a lot of things to take care of. but january also gave me a little happiness ♥️

umm januari awal ku jelek sekali. jelek sekali sampai rasanya ingin menghilang, tapi namanya juga hidup! ada naik turunnya yakaan🏃‍♀️ sampai januari akhirku pun baik sekali alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. hbu malik???

Well, it's fifty fifty. Sometimes there are things that annoy me, but there are days when I feel so happy.

january was way too hard for me. but i hope february will treat me better than january ^____^

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